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Sunday, 10 July 2022

Back to the future.

 So, the two weeks away from reality have ended and the return journey is now underway.

Already , there's a delay of an hour, which could be longer before it ends, so we're camped in the main departure lounge watching the sun go down and keeping ourselves happy with some of Spain's finest vino and each others company. We've spent the last two weeks doing what we wanted and going where we wanted. We've watched fireworks , seen snakes , talked to cats and marvelled at Flamboyances  of Flamingos as they they made their way across the late evening sunsets.

Let the good times linger .

But that's the point isn't it. The good times have to end so that you can earn the points to make other good times. My biggest problem with the end of this round of good times is that I've spent a lot of the time thinking about the other things I could be doing with the times when I'm earning the points. I thought about it and then I thought about it some more. I started thinking about it before the good times to be honest and I thought it was a good idea to look at the other ways ,so I did and they were good. I'd made my mind up on the change of path and how I'd have it started when we came back from the good times , it felt too good not to go into the future without the new ideas of a freer way of being about how I could live and work so what was I waiting for. I didn't have to trudge along the same old path, drive to the same old place, sit in the same old traffic queues . No!

 I could use my talent and my skill to forge a new way through the everyday and get another step closer to being the person I'm destined to be.

 The problem with me and the good times is though ,when the times are good, I tend to forget about the times when I'm earning the points. It's a learned pattern, a fault if you will. When the times are good, let em roll. So they did. They rolled right up to the end and here I am now , around round of earning the points waiting for me tomorrow. 

I have to be fair though, there has been a change this time around. There's most likely changes every time around, I suppose I just don't see them because they tend to be small, a change of feeling here, a new way of looking at something there. All small but changes non the less. 

I am going back to the points round and I'll be earning them for the next round of  good times because, I want the good times, whether it's the Flamingo sunsets or the slow steady  prospect of actually putting thought into action and doing something to make that personal difference, they're all good times, big or small.

I think the fact that I'm doing this again is a pointer towards a change and  the really good times ahead.

 If I actually do something about the other stuff 

 I just haven't noticed the change yet.