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Monday, 30 December 2013

The dead days that hang between Christmas and New Year.
During this time, I read something that I couldn't stop thinking about . I've heard it before but seeing it in print made me mull it over all day. "Everything in The Universe has its own frequency" . Everything resonates.
I was struck by the words and the meaning therein. Everything reacts to everything else. No one thing is a separate and individual occurrence. Things seen and unseen all connect. Sounds not even heard exist and cause movement. The Sun sings and the planets react.

The end of the year brings the same thoughts as the last. What awaits and what needs to be left behind. There has to be some change for me this year. I can't do the job I've done for so long for much longer. There is no joy in it, no sense of inspiration or newness. The changing of a name and using different colours doesn't make any change at all, not underneath. The realisation of a lost sense of wonder returns and I am once again facing the prospect of underwhelming and pointless exercises in dotting and crossing Is and Ts. How do people live like that? in a world of this is wrong and that isn't good enough?
Isn't it a wonder we are still here? 

The time over Christmas is probably the most routine destroying. All sense of what day it is is lost and the mind wanders over dangerous ground. Militant thoughts creep in and the desire to never go back returns. Time steals by under the guise of late nights and short days until I find myself looking at a clock and hear people counting down from ten. How did this happen? Then , it's back to the day to day of telling people how they should be living their lives. How they should be productive members of society. The society that cares.

I can hear the voices already"Why are doing it if you don't want to. Why don't you do something else and stop moaning"? 
I could ask this of thousands who do the same over and over everyday  whether in a job or in some other aspect of their lives. They would give any number of reasons: fear, love, duty , the belief they can't do anything else or just plain idleness. 

The list goes on. Many things keep people in places and situations when the finger points to red and the tank starts to rattle. My excuse, a procrastinator's brain. It's true,look it up.

Happy New Year

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