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Friday, 28 February 2014

You can sleep walk through things. You think you're doing something as you've always done it but you're really just going through the motions.
Possibly, that's the problem . Something you've always done or something you've done for a long enough time. Long enough for it to become like sleep.

I discovered lately that you have to be awake. You have to bring yourself out of it, make yourself remember who you really are. So many things around us make us fall into this state of waking sleep. Modern life, everyday concerns and worries, work and its all pervading effect on our secret and true selves.

You need some light. It doesn't matter where it comes from but you need to follow it. You need to stop being asleep to who you really are and what you can be.
Sorry, I can't tell you what or who that is. That's your job to find out.

Just follow your own light... 

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