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Wednesday, 22 October 2014


People will always go back to what they know,
Comfort, routine and stability will always win out. Very few really want the things they pretend to.

After a week spent teaching people English, including a lovely woman from The Congo with a liking for terribly fitting wigs, the old thought patterns start to filter in.
I'm people watching again and getting lost in what I see. How do we manage to stop ourselves from screaming in pound shops?

 How can someone's silence  equate to them having strong feelings about someone? How does wanted attention some how become a threat to someone.
Why do you find yourself, in the middle of what you'd expected to be the quietest of seas, mentally adrift and course less in uncharted waters, as unsure as when you were seventeen, possibly more so?

People will always go back to what they know, remember that. Familiarity is contemptible but the only anchor in this stormy sea.

People go back but they take what they want from the things they played with, the familiar need never know how they've changed, it doesn't need to. Too many questions for the returnee.

Don't ever believe you can't have your cake.
Some fuckers shove it in with both hands and then tell you it's how things are when yours has been eaten. Different flavour of cake  served on old familiar plates. You have to go through it to really understand.

It makes no sense and it's pointless trying to make it yourself.

 Comfort routine and stability. My cage and my crutch...


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