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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Imagine if dust caused trains to stop running. What if the accumulated daily shedding from our slowly decaying selves made rail travel impossible ?
 The 07.36 to Derby is cancelled due to a build up of people dust.

All things are dust , even the trains,waiting to give up their own ghosts, lose their form and go somewhere else. Nothing is really solid but still we cling to the  solidity of our decisions and the certainty of how things will turn out.
 Even when we half joke about nothing lasting for ever and how we can't be sure of anything, we're still not fully aware of what we're saying to each other.
I know this will happen and so do you. Doesn't really help ....does it?

As with a lot of things, best not to think about it too much before it starts happening before my eyes.

 Anyway....any more fairs please.

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