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Friday 22 February 2013

Are you feeling better ?

Spending time with a cough that's becoming a burning torture.
How there's nothing like a sounding like a Spandau every five minutes to magnify every little hicup and problem until all I want  is for everything and everyone just to cease to be, now.

Two or three days spent in dressing gown and under duvet, eyes like hot marbles that ache, too tired to be tired but no strength to stand up. When I do, bent like an old man. how has this happened since Friday? What have I done to bring this unrelenting punishment down upon myself? Is it as I've suspected, the ultimate irony?Me, always imagining what The World would be like after the next great plague being its first victim. The third night of it, the most intense dream of late. Sheets of paper, yellowed and covered in diagrams, faint pencil showing me things I don't understand but I somehow know. The constant sensation that each time I understand one way of it it's all erased and I'm shown another way. All through the night my feet won't stay still and I believe I can't sleep but I am sleeping. It ends, eventually, in dim light and with the best collection of words and phrases in my head for a while. Is this the beginning of the transformation? Am I about to become the fluid and constant writer of thoughts I secretly crave to be? No. It fades back  to whence it came and I am left with the dull ache and rattle of before. It feels as though this will continue for ever.  The  concept of eternal convalescence..

Ahh, but no. Soon I'm buckling under that inbuilt insistence to be a good drone and to return to work because I feel a little better. I cough and wheeze my way through the remainder of the week, not fully able to rid myself of the feeling that being slumped on a sette coughing until I taste metal  isn't somehow  far more enjoyable than most of this. Time to pull myself up or slide even further into detachment. Even the new tidier haircut won't hide that sort of slide for long.
Before I know where I am, I'm sitting in front of someone and we're talking about things to which I  am ambivalent. The rules and how things should look. I nod, I discuss, I agree, I do really but also I want to be eleswhere and not involved. The concerning and disconserting feelings that this will not go away but not being bothered at the same time because this simply doesn't matter. Not in  the big sense. I'm getting closer to avoidance. As happens in these situations, I find myself contemplating the usual two scenarios that pop in to my head. I wonder what would happen if I were to launch across the desk and start to pummel my unsuspecting opposite? Just keep hitting him until he stopped talking, throw down a rain of blows that knocked these foolish and rigid words he's speaking from his mouth so as to never hear them again. Unleash the howl that even now grows inside me. Throttle him.
Or just swear at him in the foulest of ways. Shout out loudly what I really think of him and his ideas both. End my verbal assult with a gob of spit for good measure and stop this nonsense dead so that it will never trouble me again.

 Of course these will never happen, I am not about to do this, he is only doing a job he likes and the things he talks of are not going to go away what ever I do but will remain, from now on.

 Launching across a desk.
I am still wondering though .

Saturday 9 February 2013

End of another week,
Not a mundaneone just slightly repetitive and over filled with the expectations of others. Sometimes, that fine line of supporting crosses over into almost full on dependence and the reality that you might be baby sitting unresourceful adults creeps in and tires you out. Makes you rely on your own support or dependency methods , what ever they may be. 

People can be the most demanding of creatures when all is well. Add to that, the prospect of putting them in a completely new environment and introcding the suggestion that life can at times demand a different outlook on things to elevate a present problem, well, you can find yourself on the road to slow and niggling confrontation with those you are tasked to guide . This is a factor of the so called "rewarding jobs" that involve the Holy Grail of any employment, the chance to help people .  Often though,at first, the help isn't recognised as such and for a while  the rocky hinterland of  uncertainty is where we set up camp. It is then down to dawn raids, skirmishes and full on attacks to get the point across that people do in fact have positive aspects and can help themselves to move out of the shit they're in. 

So having been cast down amongst the unsure, unwilling and the down right uncooperative this week, I've found solace in unexpected places . The almost constant listening to of Walk Away by Mr Waits, the words of Mr Watts and the investigation in to the nature of the snake in my shared unconscious as seen by Mr Jung, have more than held up my resolve to bludgeon through the built up years of resistance, denial, acceptance of fate and unwillingness to see  inner potential. Top this off with one of the best sunsets I've seen in a long while, a full on backlit sky and clouds that spoke of other realms than this. I am amazed at how beauty decides to show itself when unexpected. A reminder of how this can all work out in ways not yet thought of if we just look . A glimpse in to that part of me which I feel I have somehow  lost or forgotten  through over exposure to all the above. But, the human spirit is all about struggle in the face of the overwhelming. The constant daily trudge through the banal and often soul destroying for a peek at the wonderous.  Each of us pushing their own rock up their own mountain of forever , just to see it roll down again time after time.

 Here's an idea.Embrace this in all its pointless, frustrating and overwhelming ridiculousness. It can only make us stronger and less reliant on cheaply priced, widely available, high alcohol content lagers