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Tuesday 31 July 2012


Wandering around a cathedral town in The Sun and coming across someone reading  from The Bible. Quiet, unsure voice, stumbling but insistent. 

Standing in a field and being reminded just how big the sky can be. Huge rolling waves of clouds, in between bright sun and  sharp down pours. Sky galleons of colour from boiling grey to sunlit white.  If ever you needed a sense of perspective...on everything.

Spending the evening at my friends farm. No light pollution and The Milky Way above me. Staring in to forever....how can I not be part of something bigger than the every day..

Saturday 21 July 2012


Grey tinged and humid, driving away from home and The Weekend.
Slotting back in to the organised crawl. Wiper blades, intermittent, hypnotic lulling me away from the stop start and the conversation on the radio, political.
 I try not to have an opinion.


I give half-hearted hellos and then look at the signing in sheet. Health and safety, not really for attendance. What would happen if I didn’t sign it? Would I cease to exist in the case of emergency?

I put my best scrawl in the box. I wish I cared about these things as I should.

Breathe in,

 I work on some files, putting the right things in the right boxes. I hide away so that there’s little chance of being bothered. I do alright for a while and then find myself suddenly staring at nothing. I’ve drifted; become the me under the work face again, daydreaming. I can’t do this for long without coming to a dead stop.
 I wonder about doing something else, being a more decisive person but it doesn’t last long.
 I’m not that person, too twisty in my thoughts and far too easily distracted by things. Traits not designed for the realm of decision makers.
I look at my watch; I’ve been rescued by dinner time and spend an hour looking at the world through on line eyes.  

Afternoon, people appear, damp, subdued and wearing the grey of the outside world.

It begins,

I sit with each one individually and give support but before too long, the whole thing somehow becomes a mismatch of ideas and subjects, random and as far removed from job searching as it can be. Relaxed attitude brings its own peril, or reward, dependant on how you look at it. On this subject I have no choice; it’s my nature to be so. We converse on common law, moon landing conspiracies and geometrical symbols. We touch on the subject of poisonous tap water and the quasi nature of birth certificates. It becomes a forum on the secret and unseen, the hidden truths that some of us only half suspect. I make myself return to the present only to find someone struggling against waves of meaningless job adverts. A small boat lost on the wide and untamed sea of too much information. I take the wheel and steer him toward the safer, calmer waters of “suitable vacancies”. 

I’ve been here so many times,

I have to leave the room for a moment, get away from the suddenly overbearing feelings brought on by the subjects we’ve raised. All of this makes me think about the younger me, him not so deadened by the office job and at home in the land of all things odd. Suddenly I feel tired and make me way down to the kitchen for cold water and some space. I look out of the window; trees are over grown because of the days of almost endless rain. Eyes wander and take in the roof, the pools of standing water and how quickly it all becomes green. For a second I shut out the sounds of traffic and I’m in that future I suspect will come, one day. No more boxes for things to fit in just nature left to run wild. I know my fellow Homo whatever we are at the moment and I have no place in that future. I’m saddened by this.
My thoughts are broken as my friend walks in to the room. The expression he wears tells me about his day so far. We discuss our experiences of it all and unsurprisingly they echo each other. The day has brought, as all of them do, a good dose of the ridiculous.

We move to the door, laughing as we do and just then he points at one of the window frames. Windows in the building are old and ill-fitting and rain comes through them like sweat through old skin. Recently painted white, to give the impression of newness and to comply with the importance of appearances. At the top there’s old broken wood showing, sharp like grey bone, sticking out from the new, fresh whiteness. A reminder of what lies beneath sometimes, things we cover up so that none will see them. We do it with everything, especially ourselves. We show others what we want to, very rarely what we are when we're really  being us.

Everywhere, underneath everything, there are things unseen..not least our futures. 

Saturday 14 July 2012

Not the best of weeks,

After Monday, I had the voice of Mr Waits going round in my head reminding me that when we're riding high in April, we are often seriously shot down in May. Terrible day, made worse by  being observed and having to perform some extra and long winded process based nonsense that just made an already overcrowded and tetchy group session all the more difficult. I just couldn't get it together and as the day progressed, I just wanted out of the whole thing. Funny how sometimes, you can have a really good run of something and then it just turns and becomes hell on earth. It didn't really help that some of the participants were a little unresponsive to my practical and as I thought, helpful advice on their apparent lack of luck in getting jobs. I wish I'd have just kept my mouth shut and agreed with them. Anyway, done now and thank God for that.

On a different note, but somehow connected, something that made me sit up and take notice has been the discovery on YouTube of a country song that goes by the name of Made in America. I say sit up because it did more than point out something that concerns me about how one thing can lead to another when issues of a Patriotic nature come to the fore. 

Things that sometimes come under the banner of Patriotism or whatever, call it want you want, I just don't get them.They always feel wrong. We live in a world where we know Politicians and Governments to be less than truthful and quite prepared to do what ever they want to maintain the good times. Recent events have shown though that  isn't as secure as it was once thought to be. 
For some who were at the front of the race, stumbling has occurred and brought about the need for a rethink as to how things actually are on the big world stage at the moment.
It seems to have upset some and their reaction to the current state of affairs is one that's slightly worrying. 

Flag waving and singing  while showing slow motion film of good old American Mid West families and assorted other stereotypical everyday average Joes standing in corn fields and  sitting in barns, whilst  staring into the middle distance and looking slightly upset and abashed because America is now full of "foreign cars" running on "gas that isn't ours" and then reassuring us that they aren't being prejudiced about all this it's simply the fact that  these people are "made in America" and these other things, being made somewhere else, are causing the problems for those that are. At this point I started thinking is that not being prejudiced like when someone tells me they're not being funny but...

 So, what is the problem then? the rest of The World encroaching, the unexpected erosion of a way of life and an economy once thought indestructible or the prospect of things having to change because guess what,nothing stays the same?

Welcome to the rest of The World... It happens to all of us.

Change in how the things around us work can be upsetting. The shift in where we stand in the running of things even more so. Assuming that these things aren't going to happen is something we can do as people. When they do, we can either rally against  them and run the risk of becoming something we don'r want to or see what we can make of them.
Either way, one thing we have to understand, no matter what colour our flag or our feelings towards any change,  nothing is ever "ours"... not really

And technically, isn't everyone in America, in some way, actually made somewhere else?