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Friday 20 January 2012

scratch that itch..

The year starts to race by and the everyday creeps back in. We surround ourselves with the things that make us comfortable and cushion us from what may be around the corner, the real and  the harsh, the upheaval of the things we were born into, the reordering of the world around us. 

I hear different things from different camps and all contradict. When one says something is good, another finds a way to dampen the mood, the word recovery is dashed on the hidden rocks of the the words "WORLD DEPRESSION" 

I was listening to George Carlin the other day and he said something I understand very well. He said that if you scratch a cynic , you'll find an idealist somewhere underneath. I know he's right, because I am one and all of us, somewhere inside us, has that faint flicker of hoping that humanity will eventually stop kicking each other and start holding each other up.

Don't berate us for pointing out the obvious and uncomfortable....scratch us and find the flicker.

1 comment:

  1. I love George Carlin. The guy was a genius. Such a lot of the things he said made perfect sense to me. My email signature contains one of his quotes. :)
