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Sunday 21 August 2011

This English Couple went on holiday to Spain.....

You can guess where that one went. No defence of the late Mr Manning, I just needed something to grab the eye. He does, I suppose, give one of  the best examples of someone with an attitude not many would admit to sharing.
Where does that go, well....

 I read today  how a certain French actor, has been in trouble for peeing in a bottle on an aeroplane. From what I can gather, he stood in the aisle as he did it and caused the plane to be delayed for two hours. I don't know what happened next, I didn't read any more. I only had to look at his photo in the paper and imagine the rest. The gentleman in question is someone who I've always imagined to be full of life and, being French, this will be magnified ten fold. I have no concerns over the actual incident, I wasn't there. I found it hilarious. Things like that I do ,being, for the most part socially and morally ambivalent, so the prospect of a larger than life French man reliving himself  in an empty bottle, probably Evian, doesn't really spark up my middle aged indignation. He was more than likely full of red wine anyway and I know from experience when that's a factor we're in the realms of the unknown

 There is always the possibility that he did this simply because he has a different attitude to the accepted ways of relieving ones self than most people on the plane. Lots of people in places like London and Birmingham showed that they have a different attitude to some things than most over the last week or so . I am of course talking about the rioting or I as prefer to call it , the mass nicking, that went on over a few nights in cities across the country.This display of difference in attitude has of course, raised of few questions about our society as a whole.

 As when  these things happen, we are asked to wonder why, what makes people do these things? Experts and politicians then expound as to the cause of such break downs in the moral and social fabric that binds us together. we are told, not for the first time, that whole sections of society are being let down, neglected and abandoned. We, as a whole, are responsible for this.

You know what....they're right and wrong. I've met and worked with people who are all of the above . I've worked with young men who have no role models other than men who want something from them or are thousands of miles away, living lives of violence, gang crime and opulence that can never be matched, depicted in the culture adopted by these young people. There are those out there who through birth, circumstance or numerous other routes and choices,live lives most of us would never wish for . Many of them, who I've met, have been intelligent, funny, capable and genuine people just looking for a break.

I've also met people who weren't and who lived the lives they did because they liked it and no amount of social inclusion would ever alter that. Not everyone has the same social ethics. Unfortunately, this type of life outlook doesn't benefit anyone who tries to sell lifestyles, otherwise we'd have celebrity riots instead of Big Brother.

 Attitudes are shaped by what's around us, what we see and what happens to us and those close to us. Things are,on the whole, not always  fair but some ways of reacting to this don't benefit anyone, as we've seen. We all need to admit to our own failings with others sometimes and how that affects everything else we do. We all have the capability to change something, even our attitudes but again, that's up to the person.

 Some will ,some never and in a way, it's those I feel saddest for.They'll never allow themselves any chance of changing anything.

A bit like Bernard....

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