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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Greetings from the Vat...

It's possible that I'm not living in the world I think I am. I may in fact, be just a brain,suspended in a vat of life giving nutrients, connected to a  computer, vastly superior to the one that I think  I'm using to write this now. All my sensations, memories, thoughts and feelings are merely illusions , constantly streamed through  artificial neural connections. I may simply  never have existed in the time and space I believe I have. Every single thing I think I've experienced may just be a simulation brought about by very advanced software that is able to construct a totally believable 3D world, maintaining the deception of my unreal life.

 All of this may have just popped into existence...then...or now I'll never know.I may have lived the same situations a thousand times before: first kisses, seeing snow for the first time, sun sets, the feeling of rain on my skin, delighting at seeing frost in the hedgerows, the taste of chocolate, the feeling of love, anger, sadness and laughter all just code, run and rerun again and again by whoever or what ever presence keeps me there.

 There is no defying of gravity or other such miracles in this illustrated world, though I may hear or read about them or think that I have, there is only the everyday, the stuff that normal is made of.There is nothing to make me question that the world around me isn't solid and real. I can tap my finger on top of a table but it will never go through it,though I may wish for it to do so,the walls will stay stubbornly solid  no matter how hard I push against them and the possible truth of  why I should be made to exist in this way will remain outside that which is held to be true.

I have nothing to give me reason to doubt my reality in any way....

Apart from sometimes, my own doubt.

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